
[h2] Full image [/h2] [img type=’full‘ src=“×188.jpg“ title=’Custom title‘ alt=’Custom alt‘]
[img type='full'
src='url to image'
title='Custom title'
alt='Custom alt']
[hr] [h2] Medium image [/h2] [img type=’med‘ src=“×132.jpg“ title=’Custom title‘ alt=’Custom alt‘]
[img type='med'
src='url to image'
title='Custom title'
alt='Custom alt']
[hr] [h2] Thumb image [/h2] [img type=’thumb‘ src=“×97.jpg“ title=’Custom title‘ alt=’Custom alt‘]
[img type='thumb'
src='url to image'
title='Custom title'
alt='Custom alt']
[hr] [h2] Square image [/h2] [img type=’square‘ src=’×112.jpg‘ title=’Custom title‘ alt=’Custom alt‘]
[img type='square'
src='url to image'
title='Custom title'
alt='Custom alt']
[hr] [h2] Small image [/h2] [img type=’small‘ src=’×67.jpg‘ title=’Custom title‘ alt=’Custom alt‘]
[img type='small'
src='url to image'
title='Custom title'
alt='Custom alt']